

Monday, January 17, 2011

Weight Loss Surgery

I decided to have weight loss surgery at the end of 2007. I knew at that time that I could no longer live in the current body I had, so I met with my Doctor in January of 2008 and discussed my options with her. After deciding I was a candidate for Weight Loss Surgery she referred me to Dr. Holloway. I wasnt able to get an appointment with him till March of 2008. After that appointment, I started the process to get ready for the Surgery. With the insurance I had I had to complete a psych eval, 6 month nutrition program and support groups. When I was done with all of the requirements I was able to set a surgery date for November 18, 2008. This is the date that would change my life forever. I went into Surgery weighing 293 lbs. I could not believe I let myself get this heavy. I had been overweight for as long as I can remember but was never this heavy. The total surgery took less than 45 minutes and I came through it with no problems. After the surgery when they brought me my food, in little 1 ounce containers I could not even finish it all. I would of never thought that so little would fill me up. I was able to go home the next day and was instructed to eat liquids for two weeks. The first week was fairly easy for me, but as I went into the second week I was ready for solid foods again. In those two weeks I lost a total of 15 lbs, I would of never though I could of lost that much so quickly. I eased myself back into eating solid food again but a lot less of it. I lost 85 lbs the first year and 25lbs the second year. I still would like to lose 10 more pounds but I am happy with where I am at.
Which brings me to the reason for starting this blog. Even though I have been succesful in my weight loss,  my family members have been putting on weight. I am sure part of this comes from my asking them to finish my food and the other part is I never learned to cook the right way. So even though I was eating less I was still feeding my family high calories recipes. In order to help them be healthier and for me to lose my last 10 lbs I checked out some healthy cookbooks from the library. When I came across the Hungry Girl Cookbook. I knew I had finally found something that would work for me. The first recipe I made from the cookbook my son asked my are you sure this is diet food there is so much here and it was good. So I knew I found a winner. I am going to blog about the recipes I use in this cookbook and any changes I make to them to fit my families needs. I am also going to blog about the journey we take together on learning to eat healthier. I am hoping that by blogging about our experiences it will help to keep us on track. I am also hoping that other relatives of mine will read my blog and try out the recipes and maybe this will inspire them to get on track as well. Will Post More Soon

1 comment:

  1. Good luck dear, I am so glad your family is willing to experience this with you. You may never know how much of a blessing that is. AStrong
